Kane and lynch 2 dog days fitgirl reddit
Kane and lynch 2 dog days fitgirl reddit

(maybe I broke the game with my insane tactics?). But don't worry, one partner will go down when a feather touches him, but I was able to literally run around, nearly bouncing back and forth, spray and pray to every enemy, and not go down. glitches abound, you'll love the CO-OP DOORS! You can't advance unless you and your partner both press square on a door! FUN! Oh, your partner, that annoying fat ass with the sunglasses at night is down?! TAP HIM ON THE BACK BY PRESSING SQUARE! it's a cure all for bullets. Kane and Lynch takes all common sense and throws it to the wayside. Why do the Chinese want you dead? Why are cops after you? Why can i shoot every civilian around and there are no repercussions?! BECAUSE YOU BOUGHT THIS GAME! Your life will no longer make sense. my favorite part, half of the city is destroyed! never explained why. they'll probably glitch through the cover or straight across open terrain. If not, the enemies will run sporadically around the map, usually right past you and take cover. half of the time you can literally run straight up to an enemy (are they really my enemy? these characters are empty, they probably deserve to get shot) and shoot them point blank - hit probably 80% of the time because, why would accuracy matter - and they'll take it! their a bullet sponge! a clip later, they'll probably fall over. so we've forced are way through a few levels (which apparently in a matter of an hour or two, we are half way through this pile of donkey crap), not only are the shooting mechanics some of the worst I've ever seen. and if you don't turn off the camera, have fun trying to see anything! even with it off, the 'motion blur' blurs everything when you turn the camera and the blue lens flair down the entire middle of the screen? Wow! it's like it really is being shot from a camera. the graphics seriously look more like psp. you'll 'run' through linear path after path, with countless block looking objects shooting at you. unless you count the annoying guy always wearing sunglasses (Kane?) yelling "What the fu*k is going on?"."What's happening?" every 7 seconds.

kane and lynch 2 dog days fitgirl reddit

NO NO NO! It's literally the worst freaken game I have ever played. Maybe are memories were blurred, could we have been too quick to judge? What if this was a hidden gem that we didn't give credit to where. and my friend and I decided to pop it into are dusting ps3's and take a stroll down memory lane.

kane and lynch 2 dog days fitgirl reddit


Having a ps4 now, I chuckle at this mess. from that point forward, it was painfully obvious that companies would only compile trailers and art to adhere to to an audience, and completely forsake game play, plot, and any beta testing (2015 hasn't changed much guys, has it? probably got worse). we didn't need to look into trailers or watch game play, its 2010, why would games lie to us! we heard about it, lets take a shot. but my friend and I originally bought this back in 2010 on a black Friday sale, we got it cheap, it was a new release, and at that time, we lived on the edge. from that point forward, it was This isn't a new game by any means.

kane and lynch 2 dog days fitgirl reddit

Kane and lynch 2 dog days fitgirl reddit